Duck Flower Detox
Duck Flower Detox is a detoxification process involving the consumption of the flower of the Aristolochia grandiflora plant, also known as the duck flower. This plant is traditionally used in some cultures for its strong purgative properties.
1. Soak flower in fresh DISTILLED or filtered SPRING water for one hour to rehydrate.
2. Consume entire soaked flower, chewing thoroughly. Or you may blend it with 2 tablespoons of water or natural fruit juice and consume OR add into your smoothie. Additionally, you can drink the water from the soaked flower as a tea.
3. During the course of the detox, consume adequate amounts of liquid with electrolytes - coconut water is ideal. If you vomit, or pass feces you MUST rehydrate with water/coconut water
4. After the detox is complete, reintroduce simple plant based foods slowly, such as fresh raw fruits or raw fresh vegetables.You will receive the flower in it dehydrated state. Size will varyYou will receive 1 Duck Flower