Nature's Cleanse

Tigers Eye

  1. Protection: Tiger's Eye is a powerful protective stone that wards off negative energies, including psychic attacks, curses, and ill wishes. It creates a shield of energetic protection around the wearer, helping to maintain a sense of safety and security.
  2. Grounding and Stability: This stone has a grounding energy that helps anchor one's energy to the Earth. It promotes stability, strength, and resilience during times of change, uncertainty, or emotional upheaval.
  3. Courage and Confidence: Tiger's Eye is often associated with courage, confidence, and personal empowerment. It encourages taking risks, facing challenges with determination, and stepping out of comfort zones to achieve goals.
  4. Clarity and Focus: Tiger's Eye enhances mental clarity, focus, and concentration. It helps clear mental fog, reduce distractions, and promote a sharp mind, making it beneficial for studying, decision-making, and problem-solving.
  5. Manifestation and Abundance: Tiger's Eye is a stone of manifestation and abundance. It aligns with the solar plexus chakra (Manipura), boosting motivation, ambition, and manifestation abilities to attract prosperity, success, and opportunities.
  6. Balancing Yin-Yang Energies: Tiger's Eye balances the yin and yang energies within the body, fostering harmony, balance, and equilibrium. It promotes a healthy balance between assertiveness and receptivity, action and contemplation.
  7. Emotional Healing: Tiger's Eye supports emotional healing by promoting inner strength, courage, and self-confidence. It helps release fears, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs, encouraging emotional resilience and a positive outlook on life.
  8. Chakra Alignment: Tiger's Eye is associated with the solar plexus chakra (Manipura) and the sacral chakra (Swadhisthana). It helps balance and activate these chakras, enhancing personal power, creativity, and vitality.
  9. Spiritual Insight: Tiger's Eye stimulates spiritual insight, intuition, and inner wisdom. It aids in connecting with higher realms, receiving spiritual guidance, and gaining clarity on spiritual truths and life's purpose.

Approximately 2.5h x 4w in.

Origin: Brazil

Weight: .81 lb (13.1 oz)