Dragon's Blood Smudge Stick
A "Dragon's Blood Smudge Stick" is a ceremonial tool made from a bundle of dried herbs, typically sage, and infused with resin from the Dragon's Blood tree (Dracaena cinnabari or Daemonorops draco). This smudge stick combines the purifying properties of sage with the protective and healing properties associated with Dragon's Blood resin.
The Dragon's Blood resin is derived from the sap of the Dragon's Blood tree and has been used in various cultures for its believed abilities to ward off negativity, enhance spiritual protection, and promote healing. When combined with sage in a smudge stick, it creates a powerful tool for cleansing spaces, removing negative energy, and inviting positive energies.
During a smudging ritual, the Dragon's Blood smudge stick is lit, and the smoke is fanned around a person or space using a feather or hand to purify and protect, clear negative energies, and promote a sense of well-being.
Dimensions: 4x1x1 inch